Wednesday, August 28, 2019

3 एच केयर ने कानपुर में मुफ्त हेल्थ कैंप का आयोजन किया

कानपुर 19 अगस्त 2019  : भारत के सबसे बड़े ऑनलाइन हेल्थ केयर पोर्टल 3 एच केयर डॉट इन’ ने आईडीएफसी बैंक के साथ मिलकर कानपुर में 2 दिवसीय मुफ्त हेल्थ चेकअप कैंप का आयोजन किया। इस कैंप में आईडीएफसी के कर्मचारी सहित लगभग 180 लोगो ने भाग लिया। इस हेल्थ कैंप के जरिए उन्होंने सभी प्रतिभागियों की जांच की और उन्हें स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस के महत्व के बारे में जागरुक भी किया गया।
3 एच केयर डॉट इन द्वारा आयोजित इस 2 दिन के कैंप में सभी लोगों की जांच की गई, उन्हें स्वास्थ्य संबंधी सलाह दी गई और बताया गया कि उन्हें अपनी जीवनशैली में किस प्रकार के बदलाव करना चाहिए। उन्हें योग, नियमित एक्सरसाइज और शारीरिक रूप से सक्रीय रहने के लिए कहा गया।
3 एच केयर डॉट इन की संस्थापक और सीईओ, सीए (डॉ.) रुचि गुप्ता ने 
इस कैंप के बारे में बात करते हुए बताया कि, बैंको में अच्छे कैरियर और 
फाइनेंस के अवसरों के कारण अधिक से अधिक युवा इसमें काम करना पसंद 
करते हैं। लेकिन व्यस्त दिनचर्या के कारण वे अपने स्वास्थ्य का ख्याल ठीक से
 नहीं रख पाते हैं। आज वेस्टरनाइजेशन और लाइफस्टाइल भारतीय युवाओं के
 बीच सिर्फ ट्रेंड ही नहीं कर रहे बल्कि अपने साथ कई तरह के हेल्थ कॉम्लीकेशन
 भी ला रहे हैं।  हाइपरटेंशन, स्ट्रेस और कई अन्य समस्याओं से जूझ रहे युवा 
रोगियों की संख्या में वृद्धि हो रही है, जिससे उनमें संबंधित बीमारियां होने 
की संभावनाएं भी बढ़ रही हैं।
सभी लोगों को रुटीन चेकअप के महत्व को समझाया गया। यह पहली बार नहीं है जब 3 एच केयर डॉट इन ने इस प्रकार का जनहित कदम उठाया है। वह हमेशा से लोगों को स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरुक करने में आगे से आगे बढ़कर भाग लेता रहा है।
सीए (डॉ.) रुचि गुप्ता ने रुचि गुप्ता ने आगे बताया किसालों से चिकित्सा विशेषज्ञ यह कहते आ रहे हैं कि हर किसी को समय-समय पर जांच कराते रहना चाहिए। जांच के लिए उन्हें किसी बीमारी या समस्या का इंतजार नहीं करना चाहिए। रुटीन चेकअप कराने से स्वास्थ्य संबंधी सभी मामलों की खबर रखी जा सकती है, यहां तक कि यदि कोई बीमारी भविष्य में विकसित हो सकती है तो जांच से उसकी पहचान कर उसे विकसित होने से रोका जा सकता है और समय पर इलाज भी किया जा सकता है।

Diagnostic: A Clear Picture Of Your Health

Everyone has ever expected good news or bad news from the doctor while watching an image in a powerful white light. What is really expected is a diagnosis to which the healthcare professional arrives by using a photograph of the inside of our body. This procedure refers to diagnostic imaging tests.
For more than a hundred years, these techniques have evolved both in the field of nuclear medicine and in the radiological field where differentiating tests such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance, which do not use radiation, and tests such as radiography, scanner and mammography, which does use x-rays.

An image that can save lives
When you go to the Diagnostic Lab with a pain in the only thing you think is in the nuisance that generates, hoping that the doctor to say "take this, and you will feel better.
Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Founder & CEO,, explained that “Finding the solution is not so easy, since the ailment is not associated with a certain test but rather the doctor selects the diagnostic scan for the image he wants based on the clinical suspicion he has."
Diagnostic radiology imaging tests are:
Radiography: It is a technique with which a diagnosis is achieved through the shades of gray that are observed in the image of a certain anatomical area, by placing it between a photographic plate and an emitter of a minimum amount of ionizing radiation.
The image of X-ray the people have is the broken bone; in their understanding, it is much more complicated. So, the use of X-ray relies on what the doctor wants to notice.
Ultrasound: after applying an always cold transmitting gel, the transducer or instrument that is placed on the area to be studied, emits ultrasound waves whose echo is transformed by the computer into a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image.
Although ultrasound is traditionally associated with fetal controls during pregnancy, it is also the main diagnostic method for imaging the heart or one of the most important tests for the study of the brain of newborns.
The ultrasound is done to see many things: the stones of the gallbladder and kidney, the study of the liver or muscle injuries among other things.
CT, scanner or computerized tomography: In this diagnostic test X-rays are used to generate cross-sectional images of our body, reconstructed by powerful computers from the information sent by the radiation receptors.
Magnetic resonance: normally when this Diagnostic Test in Delhiis performed, the patient is prevented from possessing any metallic element, since magnetic resonance generates dozens of images or cuts of our anatomy through the use of magnetic fields and radiofrequency waves.
“Depending on your suspicions about the patient's illness, the doctor can order one or the other of the diagnostic imaging tests analyzed. However, within them, those that can affect the health of the patient by the use of ionizing radiation are radiography, the scanner, and mammography” Said Dr. Ruchi Gupta.
The probabilistic effects of these tests, which suppose a greater probability of suffering cancer the greater the received radiation, cannot make forget their benefits, which can improve the health of the patient and even save his life, in exchange for a minimum dose of radiation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Timely intervention can help you in preventing air-water borne diseases

New Delhi: As monsoon had begun in India, the cases of Vector and water borne diseases are likely to see a surge. Accumulated rain water and the moisture present in the air is highly suitable ambience for mosquito breeding which may lead to various life-threatening ailments such as malaria, dengue, chikungunya.

Due the weakened immune system, fever is common occurrence in this season. Timely health screenings and medications as prescribed by the doctors can help in the better diagnosis of it.

“ Along with the immense joy and happiness in this rainy season, there is sudden increase in the rise of vector and water borne diseases attributing to the factors like intake of unhygienic food and water, breeding of mosquitoes in accumulated rain water. So far this year over 75 cases of water borne diseases have been reported. The number of cases is increasing with the each passing day. So it is advisable that sudden fever occurrence should not be ignored before it gets fatal in the near future. So along with the preventive measures such as wearing full sleeve clothes, use mosquito nets, and making sure that mosquitoes are not breeding in the environment, timely health screenings are also necessary” Said Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Founder & CEO

Mosquitoes breeding have been reported in over 30,000 households and around 38,000 legal notices have been issued this year.    

“The root cause of these ailments, are mosquitoes breeding in water. Monsoon bringing much relief from the heat of summers, people should keep in mind that their surroundings are clean and water coolers are dried up when not in use as the mosquitoes carrying the viruses breed there.” Added Dr Gupta

In order to enjoy this monsoon season, it is advisable to go for a Full Body Preventive Health Checkup or regular blood tests in order to be certain of your health status and for the early diagnosis of diseases at its initial stage.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

3H organizes health camps for the working force

Over 500 people were screened, tested in a health check-up camp held by on the premises of HDFC Bank, Taj Vivanta and IDFC Bank in Delhi & NCR on Wednesday. The test aimed at spreading awareness about the regular screenings of all the vital tests which include CBC, Blood pressure monitoring, lipid profiling, thyroid panel, etc. 
A team of 5 doctors along with supporting staff and 8 phlebo technicians from the 3Hcare team was headed by the senior doctor.
Flow of people continued till the end of the camp. The team has checked up 35 plus cases of Diabetes. Besides, 70 patients were checked for eye ailments and thyroid each. 

The organizer of the camp CA (Dr.) Ruchi Gupta, founder and CEO stated that during the camp patients were diagnosed; 120 have been gone through lab test. In addition free consultations were also offered.

In line with its commitment towards providing health care services at the doorstep of patients, the healthcare portal is providing services in rural areas as well under the name "3Hcare Labs".
While speaking on the occasion CA (Dr.) Ruchi Gupta called upon the people to bring change in lifestyle and prevention was better than cure. “Due to immense work pressure and stress, people living in metro cities may not able to get time for all the vital health screenings at their desired location. To change this thought, we provide scheduling option in their vicinity. Our presence in almost all parts of the national capital region has helped many patient’s  as they can compare and book tests online, and choose the best lab for the test at their convenience .” Said Dr Ruchi Gupta Founder and CEO,

People expressed their gratitude to the 3Hcare team of doctors and technicians as they get checked up free of cost along with thorough investigations.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Advanced Robotic Surgeries boon for morbidly obese patients

Guwahati: With increased urbanization and changing lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle has become a major contributing factor for obesity to become and epidemic. Obesity among middle aged persons is very common now a days, that it is the root cause of several serious illnesses like Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disorders, sleeping disorders, joint pains, infertility and increased chances of cancer.Dr. Ashish Vasishtha_1 (1)
The mesh of interactions between genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, sleep pattern and psychology contribute to weight gain. People often say, ‘Zip your mouth, have control, be motivated enough’, but little do they know this may not work for everyone. Getting the numbers on the scale down is an uphill battle that many struggle with almost all their lives. The weight management is beyond calorie balance as there are several other factors that come into play which need to be understood and dealt with.
“Fundamental to any weight loss effort is lifestyle change, diet, and increased physical activity. Following our biological clock is the key to good health and well being. Altered sleep patterns that is untimely sleep at odd hours contributes to eating at wrong times thus disturbing metabolism. 7- 9 hours of daily sleep at the right time is imperative. Obesity can be treated. But it involves more than just swallowing a pill or sticking to a diet. It needs a multidisciplinary assessment involving a coordinated approach by different specialists such as dietician, endocrinologist, psychologist, internist, cardiologist, family doctor, bariatric surgeon. The last resort is surgical management i.e. Bariatric surgery which has proven to be the most effective treatment option for sustained weight loss and significant improvement of all obesity related illnesses.” Said Dr. Ashish Vashistha, Director & Head Department of Surgery, Advanced – Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Robotic Surgeon, Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket
Urbanization and improved economic status has led to easily available means of transport that has cut down the physical activity to almost zero. Furthermore, easily accessible processed foods with calorie dense constituents and little/ no nutrient value inevitably add to the waistline circumference.
“Bariatric (Obesity) surgery, or weight loss surgery or metabolic surgery, includes a variety of procedures performed on people who are obese. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery/One Anatomises Gastric bypass)” added Dr Vashishtha
Robotic bariatric surgical procedures are offered to patient with high Body Mass Index (BMI) and other medical conditions related to obesity. Also good results are seen in revisional bariatric surgery cases.The main advantages of Robotic system are seen with Gastric bypass.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Changing paradigms in Surgery of the Pancreas - What it means for the patients

Srinagar: Emergence of specialized pancreatic surgeons with better understanding of pancreatic diseases & refined surgical techniques coupled with an effective management of procedure related complications has resulted in the current era of pancreatic surgery with low mortality and acceptable morbidity.

“Modern pancreatic surgery can aptly be described as being safe, elegant, patient friendly surgery that is based on highest quality medical research ('medical evidence') and increasing utilizes minimally invasive surgery techniques such as robotic surgery.
Over last 2 decades, notable advancements have been made in all domains of pancreatic surgery for Pancreatic necrosis following severe acute pancreatitis, Chronic pancreatitis, Pancreatic cancer.” Said Dr Dinesh Singhal, Senior Director & Head, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Max Super specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi

Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) with bacterial infection of pancreatic necrosis is one of most serious pancreatic diseases that necessitate intervention for salvage. About a decade ago, this disease entity was treated by open surgical removal of dead peripancreratic tissue ('necrosectomy') – a procedure associated with high mortality and complication rates.

Over the last decade, 'Step Up Approach' has emerged as the preferred alternative treatment strategy for SAP patients with infected necrosis. As an initial management, surgical drains are placed in such infected collections under CT scan guidance. This minimally invasive approach may help avoid further surgical intervention in up to 2/3 of SAP patients with infected necrosis. The patients who do not adequately respond to such drain placement are advised to undergo a laparoscopic necrosectomy.Modern management of infected pancreatic necrosis has thus evolved towards more patient friendly minimally invasive interventions with better outcomes.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques are being increasing utilized which make surgery for chronic pancreatitis (CP) more acceptable option than ever before.

“The aim of treatment for patients with CP is lasting relief of pain and available options include endoscopic therapy and surgery. It is pertinent to add that pancreatic ductal stones in the absence of pain do not require any further treatment. In contrast, surgery for CP has several advantages. It can be performed safely with minimal blood loss and postoperative complications and offers a lasting pain relief in up to 80% patients. Also there is emerging evidence that an early surgery may lead to preservation of pancreatic function.” Added Dr Singhal

Emergence of specialized pancreatic surgeons, refinements in surgical techniques and image guided, effective management of complications have resulted in mortality of Whipple's procedure ranging between 1-5% at centers of excellence.

With safety of the Whipple's procedure no longer a matter of debate, novel strategies are now being adapted to expand the indications of surgery. Also in line with other domains of pancreatic surgery, minimally invasive surgery techniques including robotic assisted surgery are being increasing utilized for Whipple's procedure without any compromise on quality or safety of surgery.

इस वजह से आता है यूरीन में ब्लड

डॉ. सुदीप सिंह सचदेव
नारायणा सुपर स्पेशियालिटी हॉस्पिटल, गुरुग्राम

भले ही यह जानकारी आपको विस्मित कर दे कि यूरीन में हमेशा ब्लड मौजूद रहता है लेकिन मात्रा इतनी कम होती है कि 
माइक्रोस्कोप से देखने पर ही उसका पता चलता है। जब खुद मरीज को अपनी यूरीन में ब्लड जाता हुआ दिखाई देता है तब मामला गंभीर हो जाता है। 
आपको तभी अपनी यूरीन में ब्लड आता हुआ दिखाई देता है जब उसकी मात्रा अधिक होती है। कुछ विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि इसे लेकर ज्यादा चिंतित होने की जरूरत नहीं है लेकिन कुछ मरीजों के मामले में यह लक्षण किसी गंभीर बीमारी का पूर्व संकेत भी हो सकता है। इसलिए मूत्ररोग विशेषज्ञ से सलाह लें क्योंकि वह जांचों के बाद ही बता सकता है कि यूरीन के साथ ब्लड क्यों बाहर आ रहा है। यहां कुछ कारणों की जानकारी दी जा रही है जिनकी वजह से यूरीन के साथ खून निकल सकता है-
मूत्रमार्ग का संक्रमण 
शरीर में ब्लेडर या यूरेथ्रा में जहां मूत्र इकट्ठा होता है और बाहर निकलने के मार्ग में रहता है वहां बैक्टेरिया का संक्रमण हो जाता है। जब भी मरीज को अपने  यूरीन के साथ ब्लड आता हुआ दिखाई देता है तब उसे एक और लक्षण का अहसास होता है। वह हर वक्त मूत्र त्याग करने की चाहत रखने लगता है। संक्रमण होने पर मूत्र त्याग के समय जलन का अहसास भी होने लगता है। गंभीर केसेस में पेडू और प्रजजन अंगों के आसपास तेज दर्द होने लगता है। यूटीआई एक बहुत ही आम तरह का संक्रमण है जो सभी को कभी न कभी होता ही है और एंटीबायोटिक्स के इस्तेमाल के बाद खत्म भी हो जाता है।
किडनी का संक्रमण 
यूरीनरी ट्रेक्ट इंफेक्शन बहुत देर तक ठीक न हो तो उसका असर किडनी पर भी हो जाता है। किडनी में संक्रमण होने के लक्षण पहले की तरह ही होते हैं लेकिन इस तरह के संक्रमण के बाद मरीज को बुखार भी आने लगता है। उसे कमर के दोनों ओर दर्द भी रहने लगता है। किडनियों से होते हुए यह संक्रमण अगर शरीर के दूसरे अवयवों तक फैलने लगे तो बीमारी और गंभीर रूप में प्रकट होने लगती है। 
किडनी स्टोन
किडनी में कई तरह के खनिजों के जमा होने से वहां स्टोन बनने लगते हैं। यदि शरीर में कैल्शियम या अन्य खनिजों की मात्रा अधिक हो तो पथरी बनने लगती है। पथरी होने के बाद नितंब, कमर का निचला हिस्सा तथा पसलियों में बहुत तेज और असहनीय दर्द होता है। संभव है कि यूरीन के साथ ब्लड भी आता हुआ दिखाई देने लगे। कई मरीजों को यूरीन के साथ बारीक स्टोन्स भी निकलते दिखाई देते हैं। पथरियों का आकार बड़ा हो तो सर्जरी से निकाला जा सकता है।
बढ़ी हुई प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि
पुरुषों के मूत्राशय के पास इस छोटी पौरूष ग्रंथि में संक्रमण के कारण अथवा सर्जरी या किसी चोट लगने के कारण सूजन आ जाती है। इस वजह से मूत्र के साथ रक्त आने लगता है साथ ही मूत्र बहुत मुश्किल के साथ बाहर निकलता है। ऐसा हर मूत्रत्याग के समय होता है। यदि आपको मलत्याग अथवा वीर्य स्खलन के समय पेडू के निचले हिस्से में तीव्र दर्द का अहसास हो तो चिकित्सक की सलाह से एंटीबायोटिक्स लें। 
किडनी में सूजन 
किडनी में किसी वजह से आई सूजन के कारण मूत्र के साथ रक्त बाहर निकलता है। किडनी में सूजन हो जाने से उसकी महीन छन्निायां क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाती हैं। इसकी वजह से विषैले तत्व शरीर से बाहर निकालकर फेंकने में दिक्कत आने लगती है। अक्सर मरीजों को तब तक इस समस्या की जानकारी नहीं होती जब तक चिकित्सक पैथॉलॉजी जांचें के माध्यम से पता न लगा ले। यदि मरीज को अपनी यूरीन त्याग करने के समय झाग उत्पन्ना होता हुआ दिखाई दे अथवा उसका रंग भूरा दिखाई दे साथ ही चेहरे और पैरों में सूजन भी हो तो तुरंत चिकित्सक को दिखाएं। इस समय इलाज से ही किडनी को खराब होने से रोका जा सकता है।
पॉलिसिस्टिक किडनी डिसीज
माता पिता से विरासत में ऐसी जीन मिल सकती है जिसकी वजह से किडनी में तरल भरी हुई छोटी गठानें बन जाती हैं। इसकी वजह से किडनी खराब हो सकती है और यूरीन के साथ ब्लड बाहर आ सकता है। बहुत से मरीजों को 30-40 साल की उम्र से पहले कोई लक्षण नजर नहीं आते हैं। पहला लक्षण पेट बढ़ने और बार-बार यूटीआई होने के साथ दिखाई दे सकता है। ऐसे मरीजों को कमर और पीठ में लगतार दर्द बना रहता है। इन मरीजों को हाई ब्लड प्रेशर की शिकायत होती है साथ सीने में धमक के साथ दर्द हो सकता है। इस समस्या का कोई इलाज नहीं है लेकिन लक्षणों को काबू करने की औषधियां दी जा सकती हैं। विरासत में मिलने वाली दूसरी बीमारियों में सिकल सेल एनिमिया भी है जिसकी वजह से यूरीन के साथ रक्त बाहर निकलता है।
हैवी वर्कआउट 
हैवी वर्क आउट करने वालों के साथ-साथ मैराथान रनर भी यूरीन के साथ ब्लड निकलने की शिकायत कर सकते हैं। यद्यपि ऐसा सभी एथलीट्स के साथ नहीं होता लेकिन  चिकित्सा विज्ञान अब भी इसके कारण के बारे में अनजान है। अनुमान है कि मैराथान रनर अथवा हैवी वर्कआउट करने वालों को पानी की कमी हो जाती है जिसका असर उनकी किडनी पर पड़ता है। इसी वजह से इन खिलाड़ियों के मूत्र के साथ रक्त बाहर निकल सकता है। 
दवाओं का बुरा असर
कुछ दवाएं जैसे एंटीबायोटिक्स या कैंसर के इलाज में इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली दवाएं मूत्र के साथ रक्त को बाहर निकलने में सहायक हो जाती हैं। मूत्रवर्धक अथवा रक्त को पतला करने वाली दवाएं लेने पर भी मूत्र के साथ रक्त निकल सकता है।
चोट लगना
यदि किसी फुटबॉलर को पीठ और कमर के निचले हिस्से में जोर से फुटबाल की किक आकर लगे तो उसकी यूरीन के साथ रक्त निकल सकता है। इसी तरह कार एक्सीडेंट और सीढ़ियों से नीचे गिरने पर भी हो सकता है। अक्सर चोट लगने पर आराम करने की सलाह दी जाती है और चोट का असर आराम करने से खत्म भी हो जाता है लेकिन गंभीर मामलों में चिकित्सक की सलाह लेना जरूरी है। जरूरत पड़ने पर सर्जरी भी कराई जा सकती है।
ब्लैडर कैंसर हो तो यूरीन के साथ रक्त निकल आता है। किडनी और प्रोस्टेट कैंसर के मामलों में भी यही लक्षण सामने आता है। कई मरीजों के मामलों में किसी तरह के लक्षण ही सामने नहीं आते हैं इसलिए मरीज को जैसे ही मूत्र के साथ रक्त आता हुआ दिखाई देता हो उसे तुरंत चिकित्सक की सलाह लेना चाहिए। 
क्या होती हैं जांचें
यूरीन के साथ ब्लड आने की शिकायत पर यूरीन में संक्रमण की कल्चर रिपोर्ट कराई जा सकती है। इसके अलावा सीटी स्कैनिंग और एमआरआई तथा सिस्टोस्कोप से जांचें कराई जाती हैं।
क्या है इलाज 
आमतौर पर किसी भी संक्रमण को दूर करने के लिए एंटीबायोटिक्स का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। कैंसर होने की स्थिति में इलाज अलग तरह से प्लान किया जाता है। इसके लिए चिकित्सक की सलाह को ही अंतिम मानना चाहिए। 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Advanced Robotic Surgeries boon for morbidly obese patients

Guwahati: With increased urbanization and changing lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle has become a major contributing factor for obesity to become and epidemic. Obesity among middle aged persons is very common now a days, that it is the root cause of several serious illnesses like Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disorders, sleeping disorders, joint pains, infertility and increased chances of cancer.
The mesh of interactions between genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, sleep pattern and psychology contribute to weight gain. People often say, ‘Zip your mouth, have control, be motivated enough’, but little do they know this may not work for everyone. Getting the numbers on the scale down is an uphill battle that many struggle with almost all their lives. The weight management is beyond calorie balance as there are several other factors that come into play which need to be understood and dealt with.

“Fundamental to any weight loss effort is lifestyle change, diet, and increased physical activity. Following our biological clock is the key to good health and well being. Altered sleep patterns that is untimely sleep at odd hours contributes to eating at wrong times thus disturbing metabolism. 7- 9 hours of daily sleep at the right time is imperative. Obesity can be treated. But it involves more than just swallowing a pill or sticking to a diet. It needs a multidisciplinary assessment involving a coordinated approach by different specialists such as dietician, endocrinologist, psychologist, internist, cardiologist, family doctor, bariatric surgeon. The last resort is surgical management i.e. Bariatric surgery which has proven to be the most effective treatment option for sustained weight loss and significant improvement of all obesity related illnesses.” Said Dr. Ashish Vashistha, Director & Head Department of Surgery, Advanced - Laparoscopic, Bariatric & Robotic Surgeon, Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket
Urbanization and improved economic status has led to easily available means of transport that has cut down the physical activity to almost zero. Furthermore, easily accessible processed foods with calorie dense constituents and little/ no nutrient value inevitably add to the waistline circumference.
“Bariatric (Obesity) surgery, or weight loss surgery or metabolic surgery, includes a variety of procedures performed on people who are obese. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestines to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery/One Anatomises Gastric bypass)” added Dr Vashishtha
Robotic bariatric surgical procedures are offered to patient with high Body Mass Index (BMI) and other medical conditions related to obesity. Also good results are seen in revisional bariatric surgery cases.The main advantages of Robotic system are seen with Gastric bypass.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Diagnostic career: A dream job opportunity by 2020

CA (Dr)  Ruchi Gupta, CEO and Founder,  
Healthcare sector is one of the largest sectors when it comes to terms and job opportunities. If you are wishing to reach heights, then this is the perfect sector to work.  The industry deals with various services like hospitals, diagnostics, medical tourism, and medical equipment.  In recent years, the healthcare sector is showing an exponential growth but there is a scope of development which is yet to be achieved.
The aspirants should know how big and diverse this field would be by the end of 2020.  With the introduction of more and more private players, this sector expected to see massive growth of 25% in the next five -year tenure.
Most of the students often get confused after graduation, whether they should go for low salary jobs or pursue higher studies.  To gain working experience, a majority of the students opt for the job. Diagnostics is one such part of the sector which has brilliant prospects in the job environment and a better career option for the future. Apart from the attractive remuneration, this sector will help you to achieve your individual goals.
Healthcare deals in various segments, currently, diagnostics is at a boom period.  Pathology services, the type of diagnostic services which provides an option of being a teacher, diagnostician or an investigator.  Pathologists in clinical laboratories analyze the reports for the diagnosis and better treatment of the disease.
Another field of diagnosing a disease is radiology. In this, diseases are treated with the help of imaging medical techniques.  With the increase in demand for radiologists, the segment ensures a better career path and expected to grow faster than any other.  The radiology technician has many options like working as an ultrasound technician, X-Ray technician, MRI technician, CT technician, and medical professional. As the demand of the radiologist is growing, there is an immediate requirement of the radiologist in hospitals, clinics, and physician offices. The radiology sector has shown a higher number of jobs than any other sector in the near future.
For those planning to start, their careers job opportunities in radiology sector are likely to remain high, particularly those who want to work in general medical and surgical hospitals. Radiology technicians can also work in private offices, clinics, urgent care facilities, and equipment sales.
Radiology is one of the heart-warming jobs of the world being positioned at world’s 15th rank.  It is considered as the smartest career option to opt for. Radiologic technology is a fascinating subject to study for the students, in addition to certificates will be provided to work in the state of residence and prepares to work in the healthcare sector.
According to the Indian brand equity foundation (IBEF), the overall health market is valued at $ 100 billion and is expected to reach 280 billion by the end of 2020. Indian medical tourism with a 2-fold increase in health care will reach $ 10 billion IT market is expected by 2020. In the field of health care management, there is a huge boom in generating employment in the coming years.
In addition to the urgent need of trained doctors and nursing staff, skillful management is required in different areas of the field. With major investments in the healthcare industry, the industry functioning has become more professional, organized and efficient.
As far as employment opportunities are concerned,  clinical management professionals are required to include software and imaging equipment in clinics, hospitals, NGO’s, IT firms such as Dell, Accenture, Dell, etc.  In the case of a fresher who has no experience in the field would be hired as technicians and sooner with their performance and work experience they will reach heights.
Lack of talent is still a drawback for the industry. The healthcare industry is growing at a fast pace, although the talent is still lagging behind. With a focus on quality, to sustain today's talent for long-term, there is scope for many young minds.  Being able to open a young industry in the market, the learning curve will definitely be fast and the future experts can be prepared with the passage of time. The industry is trying to find individuals who are eager to learn. This will create an effect by providing promising opportunities to move forward in a healthier world.  With the advancement in science and technology, the use of medical applications is increasing and IT sector. In the last decade or so the role of technicians has been changed. Most of the modern hospitals and healthcare ventures require experienced technicians and radio-interventions equipped with multi-disciplinary skills.
Healthcare industry requires a skilled staff for research and professionals involved in the most important customer-focused roles. India has the potential to attract healthcare industry with skilled force

Friday, April 19, 2019

Timely awareness and intervention can prevent liver ailments World Liver Day – 19th April, 2019

New Delhi: With Westernization trending up among the Indian youth, poor lifestyle is attributing to an increase in number of liver ailments. Keeping our liver in a perfect condition is very much important for all. Taking the decisions late in the case of health issues which shows the symptoms of having liver disease is itself for it to be one of the most common diseases in India. 
According to recent reports of WHO, around 45% of the global diseases and 60% of mortality rate is attributable to chronic diseases accounting for over 35 million deaths annually. Considering the statistics from last few years, Liver related diseases are being recognized as one of the most common diseases which are becoming the reason for increasing death rate in India. 
As per the recent data provided by Globacan India 2018, Liver cancer was ranked 12th amongst the most frequent cancer in India, accounting for around 30000 new cases of liver cancer recorded.
“Cirrhosis is an end result of a variety of liver diseases characterized by fibrosis and architectural distortion of the liver with the formation of regenerative nodules which needs to be timely intervened before becoming life threatening disease. The World Liver day is observed every year on April 19 with the aim to build awareness among masses about the importance of liver in human body, about the liver issues, cases of liver diseases and new inventions which are available to treat liver related diseases.” said Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Founder and CEO,
Cancer seems to have a way of deeply invading the lives of those stricken by the disease. And very often the treatment isn't much friendlier to patients. But some recent advances in cancer treatment are helping, including some minimally invasive and non surgical procedures, especially in case of Liver tumours. 
“While surgery to remove a liver tumor offers the best chance for cure, surgery is not an option for more than two-thirds of patients with primary liver cancer which is said to be the fifth most common cancer and the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Approximately, seventy percent of patients with liver cancer cannot opt for surgery for many reasons, like, the tumours could be too large to be removed or they could be too close to major blood vessels or other organs. And many a times, patients may have many small tumors in the liver, thus making surgery too risky or impractical.” added Dr. RP Singh, HOD - Gastroenterology, Saroj Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.

Liver is the main player and unique organ in human body and has a special capacity of regeneration. Everything we consume passes through the liver and it helps to digest it. It fights infections, removes toxins, controls cholesterol, regulates blood sugar, and makes proteins. People should take care of their liver by adopting healthy lifestyle, and have a balanced diet of proteins, grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and fats.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

10 Mistakes Made by Every UPSC CSE Aspirant and How to avoid it

1. NOT following the curriculum - one of the biggest mistakes the aspirants commit is not to follow the syllabus given by the UPSC. Many of them start their preparation without referring to the syllabus and within no time find themselves in ‘no progress zone’.Though the topics may be vast, but not completely unlimited. CSE aspirants need to break this myth as this may prove fatal in the long run costing you with time, money, energy and resource. In their course of preparation, consider the UPSC syllabus as your roadmap to start with and continue referring it at all points of preparation.
2. Missing to go through previous years - Aspirants donot realize that the previous year papers can help them prepare in accordance with the latest trend followed by the UPSC. While preparing, refer to previous years after each step in order to co-relate witht hetopics finished, as this is a good indicator of whether you are moving in the right direction or not.
3. Piling up irrelevant books – Flooding the room completely wth UPSC preparation books does not always land you in success. For effective preparation, choose handpicked books that are genuinely relevant. Though there are several market place in the city that is the hub for such preparation books with various authors and publications available, scrutinize for the relevant book to idealize your preparation. It is preferable for the aspirants to seek advise from their seniors, experienced mentors or reliable sources before going for a book purchase.
4. Not getting basic reference – Most of the aspirants do this by going for heavy weight books instead of getting the basics clear. The NCERT books upto 12 standard are a good source of knowledge to initiate steadily. This is the most atomic sized mistake that can compel your preparations to fall.
5.  Writing skills deficiency – the mains exams is the criteria for the selection process that includes writing essays. One lacking writing skills may not be well efficient in clearing theselection process. The aspirants should be well equipped with facts and wisdom, fluent flow of knowledge in a very precise and skillful manner. Being one of the toughest task, if not rectified on time, failure is guaranteed. Aspirants should be focusing on exam pattern oriented writing rigorously rather than blogging to improve writing and typing skills. 
6. Way of Choosing optional paper – Aspirants opt for the optional paper based on the subject scores and marking trends, length and extent of the curriculum and subject that covers almost the GS paper. These insights and estimations can prove fatal during results. Optional paper should be chosen in such a way that it should also suit the aspirants interest and inclination towards it.
7. NOT perceiving the bottomline of the newspapers – if the newspapers and the magazines are not understood about ‘what and how to read’, the results will yield low in the long run. A newspaper has three segments from an exam point of view – events (that gives facts and figures), Issues (provides views and reviews that helps in developing an individuals understanding and opinion on contemporary subjects.) and gossips. In addition articles on various other segments also helps aspirants to frame and write well structured essays. Hence utilize the newspapers with persistent efforts.
8. Improper analysis of your strengths – SWOT analysis is  undertaken to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. As the nature of the UPSC exam demands high dynamism and adaptability, candidates miss to analyse their inbuilt strengths nad weakness along with the posing opportunity nad threats. This takes them in a wrong direction during preparation leading to loss of tempo and zeal. Aspirants should therefore keep a consistent grip overtheir strong areas and atleast a loose fist over weaker section.
9. Not prioritizing the task – improper management of time can lead to undesirableoutcomes. As aspirants put years together for UPSC preparation, managing time and prioritizing their work is must. Any ambition without a time frame is nothing more than a fantasy. Understand the difference between urgent and important to achieve fruitful benefits.
10. Circumventing regular reviewing – To retain the information stored during the preparation it is necessary to revise consistently. There has to be a very well maintained cohesion between what you read and 'revise' what have you read till date. Video Lectures, Subject Audios and Group Discussions (Group Study) can prove to be a boon for an aspirant of UPSC CSE. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

3Hcare Labs now functional at Gajraula

3hcare Labs opens its third lab in Gajraula, as a part of its vigorous expansion plan
Gajraula: After opening labs in Kosi and Jhajjhar in quick succession, 3Hcare Labs inaugurated its 3rd successful lab in Gajraula today. Being a part of its aggressive planning to expand its offline footprints across tier 3  & tier 4 cities throughout India, the leading online healthcare portal has already ramping up the activities in western UP and Haryana.  
The labs which are being operated under the name of ‘3HCare Labs’ assures free home sample collection and same day delivery of reports assuring the best quality tests for the local. Most of the tier 3 & 4 locations are thriving with only sample collection centers and limited quality certified labs that urge the patients for outstation travel even for getting a basic pathology test. Delay in report availability may also affect their due course of treatment. After the advent of such pathology labs in the rural areas, patients will be highly benefitted. To assure quality services the lab is already undergoing ISO certification and will soon be receiving NABL accreditation.” Says CA (Dr) Ruchi Gupta, Founder & CEO,
Most of the tier 3 & tier 4 cities are devoid of even the basic healthcare services like diagnostics, and are in demand of critical attention. In such a scenario, where the rural towns and villages are devoid of certified pathology labs, 3hcare labs (which is well established as in the online segment) has a greater scope for penetration and a stronghold in these villages and towns in the offline segment as well.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Diabetic Women more at risk of small vessel heart disease than Men

 If you are a diabetic, have been treated for coronary artery disease with angioplasty, stents or coronary artery bypass graft surgery and the signs and symptoms haven't gone away, you may be having diffuse small vessel disease. Small vessel or coronary microvascular disease is a condition in which small arteries in the heart that are not visible in angiograms become narrowed and cause signs and symptoms of heart disease such as angina chest pain. The large vessels in the heart can become narrowed or blocked through atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty deposits build up in the arteries. In small vessel disease, the narrowing is in the heart’s small vessels due to which they can't expand properly when the patient is active resulting in inadequate supply of oxygen-rich blood. This inability to expand due to endothelial dysfunction may cause small vessels to actually become smaller when one is active or under emotional stress. The reduced blood flow through the small vessels causes angina or a heart attack and is usually diagnosed after a check for blockages in the main arteries of the heart show little or no narrowing in the large vessels but patient has angina symptoms. When small vessel disease is present along with large vessel disease, the condition may be suspected only when a patients has angina even after a successful angioplasty or bypass surgery.
Although anyone can have small vessel disease, it's more common in women and in people who have diabetes, are obese, smokers, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle. Diabetics normally feel less pain and chances of painless myocardial infarction that may go unnoticed are more. Diffuse small vessel disease is more difficult to detect and less easily treatable and if left untreated can cause coronary artery spasm, heart attack, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. When in a symptomatic patient coronary angiogram does not show blockages in larger vessels, additional tests for smaller arteries narrowing such as Stress Thallium test imaging and Cardiovascular Cartography heart flow mapping may be of help.
Because the blocked or narrowed blood vessels that cause the disease are very small, angioplasty, stent and surgery are usually not helpful. Small vessel disease treatment involves medications to control the symptoms of narrowed small blood vessels.
According to Dr. S.S. Sibia, Director and Consultant, Sibia Medical Centre, Ludhiana  There has been some research on diabetic patients who have Coronary Artery Disease treated with External Counter Pulsation (ECP) therapy. ECP is an option for small vessel disease patients as it dilates the coronaries, opens dormant blood vessels and stimulates angiogenesis . An analysis of data from the International EECP Patient Registry concluded that “ECP is safe, well tolerated and associated with improvement in angina, functional status, and quality of life and that clinical benefit was maintained in most patients at one year” in diabetic patients. Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and diabetes often make excellent candidates for ECP Therapy since diabetic patients are at known increased risk for interventional complications. Reports from ECP centres suggest that patients who have undergone ECP not only have better control of their blood glucose levels but have also had their physician lower (or in some cases, completely eliminate) the dosage of diabetic medication needed to maintain an optimum blood sugar level; this is not surprising since the benefits of EECP have a similar systemic effect to that of physical exercise.
While we wait or the last word on treatment of small vessel disease, the best option would be to look into ways of preventing small vessel disease - controlling the major risk factors of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity. Things than can be done that may help reduce risk include eating a heart-healthy diet with low saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet.
Eating a heart-healthy diet that includes plenty of whole grains, lean meat, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables. Also, watch the salt and fat intake as eating too much salt and saturated or trans fats may increase your blood pressure and cholesterol. Regular exercise, even 30 minutes a day, helps improve heart muscle function and keeps blood flowing through your arteries and prevent a heart attack by helping achieve and maintain a healthy weight and control diabetes, elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. And last but not the least stop smoking or use of any other tobacco products totally.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Effective answer writing tips for IAS Mains Exam 2019 by subject experts

 Mr.A K Mishra, Founder & Chairman, Chanakya IAS Academy

The journey from being a Civil Services aspirant to becoming a successful Civil Servant undoubtedly takes the candidates through tough terrains, but the destination is indeed so powerful that it is worth taking those challenging terrains.
After appearing for Civil Services Preliminary examination 2018, aspirants must be having a tough time while preparing for mains, as prelims exam went quite unexpected. The weightage of the questions had shifted a lot from the typical analytical questions to current-affairs based questions, stressing much on testing general knowledge of the aspirants in this year’s preliminary Exam. So, although no one can predict the upcoming Mains examination, we, being an academy, which has been helping students prepare for this coveted examination for past 25 years, can lend you a helping hand with some effective tips devised after a discussion with successful candidates and field experts.

As an IAS aspirant, you must already know that this stage of the exam preparation must be entirely dedicated to mastering the Art of presenting your opinions and thoughts efficiently in your writing and connecting your answers of a particular question with the current issues being faced in the society. So what you need to do first and foremost…
1.     Know your syllabus well
2.     Develop a strong hold on each and every subject subjects
3.     Religiously follow current affairs
4.     Practice answer writing
5.     Discuss the issues and the things, you have the knowledge about, with peer groups and seniors
6.     Watch toppers videos
7.     Start thinking from a problem solver’s perspective rather than a common person, because you are going to be an administrator
Mastering the art of answer writing for Civil Services Mains 2018 requires a tremendous amount of practice, every day. So students must begin with making notes on every important topic, and after getting a sound hold on subjects, the aspirants are advised to begin solving the questions. Find an explanation for every question you come across on the topic you learn and question yourself constantly, not giving up, until you have all the answers. Even if you fail to revise all the answers in the last leg of your preparation, with rigorous preparation, your mind will still recall the most of what you have practiced, while writing the actual Civil Services Mains Exam. Then practice solving previous years question papers without fail, this is one of the most important practices every aspirant must do during the preparation. Then Enrolling for Mains Test Series and solving maximum mock test papers for Mains boosts up the preparation process multiple times.
Now these are some important tips which will help you during your actual examination phase for Mains
1.     Read your question well – Always read your question properly and re-read it again until you have understood what is exactly expected in your answer. You must spend an approximate of 8-9 minutes per question, so try to spend no more than the 1 minute of your time to read your question, understand it and underline the keywords, you must weave your answer around.
2.     Analyse all the aspects – Having understood the exact demand of the question, analyze all the aspects that must be mentioned, starting from giving background details of the subject to explaining the subject further in detail. Cover as many dimensions as possible in an answer rather than just covering the issue in depth with quality analysis. Do not forget to recall the facts and current in-news information related to the topic.
3.     Frame a well-structured answer – Introduce your subject in a short paragraph, giving immediate way to the main explanation of the question being asked. Just avoid giving lengthy paragraphs and instead use pointers for multiple arguments or sub-points to the explanation. Balance your answer with multi-faceted aspects of the topics and explain it all in as brief manner as you can. Conclude this answer on a positive note, for, the examiner will appreciate your affirmative take on the situation.
4.     Mind your hand-writing – Handwriting has never, in Civil Services Exam, been considered for marking a candidate’s suitability and caliber for the job. But in our opinion, a good handwriting will always stimulate your examiners’ mind and help them come at ease with your answers. So, ensure making your answer presentable with clear handwriting, decently big characters’ size and enough space between the words.
5.     Enrich your answer with facts/dates/names/other details – An exceptional answer, especially considering the current trend of questions, must have enough factual backing of the current affairs details, views, dates, names, etc about the topics and a little more about the related aspects of your topic.
6.     Explain your answers more clearly and precisely with the help of diagrams, charts, maps & quotations – Students are always advised to back their answers with the relevant and supporting diagrams & charts; and for the answer related to geography-based questions, maps are the ultimate rescue. Use these extra, but relevant elements to enhance your answer quality. It is no-where advisable to overload your answer with these elements, as a supporting paragraph to explain your answer is always better than doing away with the embellishment. Give diagrams and other elements, only where needed!
7.     Quality comes with regularity in practice – As we mentioned above, to master the art of writing efficient answers in the Civil Services Examination, rigorous practice is crucial. Hence, you must solve as many Previous Year papers and Mock Tests as you can.