Monday, October 29, 2018

It is important to reprogram the mind to get desired result By Mr A K Mishra, Director Chanakya IAS Academy

This world has been created by the people who dared to dream and believe in possibilities. All inventions, discoveries and achievements in human civilizations are results of believers and strivers. The Creator created the hardware but delegated the responsibilities of developing software to human beings. Hence every human being is born to succeed and grow to no limit. This is because success of every human being is the success of the Creator Himself. Success is the basic inherent principle of Nature. Whatever good or bad you believe in and you try for you will succeed in. However, it is very important to reprogramme your mind for achieving best results
 Every human being is a unique with unlimited capabilities. There is a purpose behind everyone to be born on earth. In this regard I would like to quote the famous statement given by Max Lucado who says: "You were not an accident, you were not mass produced, you were not an assembly line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted and lovingly positioned on earth by master craftsman. "In other words it is not that mass production is going on in an industry like Tata Steel Plant and a human is created as one of the mass, it's also not that there is a single dye used to replicate production of human beings as in the case of production of mobile sets by a company.
There is no accidental production of anyone. In fact each one is a deliberate creation of God with some certain purposes and therefore everyone is gifted with some specific qualities and is born to certain parents and to certain environment and place. Thus wherever you are born is not a advantage or disadvantage till the time you realize its importance and take it as a scheme of God. Take example of the great men of the human civilization, more than 80% of them were born in unprivileged conditions and to unknown and unprivileged parents. To pick up a few examples , Mahatma Gandhi , Abraham Lincon , our former President Abdul Kalam, Einstein , Thomas Edison , Bill Gates , Dheerubhai Ambani  all were from very humble socio- economic background. In fact, their humble backgrounds were the nurturing grounds for their excellence in later part of their lives.
Thus the story of success for anyone begins with trust on himself/ herself  that he/ she is the ultimate creation of God  and is born to succeed and remain happy for fulfilling the basic objectives of his/birth. No one is born as great or small. To every parent their new born child looks as the ultimate child on the earth, and perhaps the most intelligent and most good looking one also. But very soon things become different. The child starts getting compared with others and social conditioning of the child begins. Then he/she does not remain what unlimited potential he/she was born with. In fact he /she starts getting personality as conditioned by the social environment he/she gets. Growing with age his / her original potential or individuality becomes dormant and social conditioning termed as personality becomes the reality. Consequently what he /she can do or cannot do is not result of his/her original potential but of his /her belief system as conditioned by the environment. As a grown up person the first and the foremost duty for you is to spend some peaceful time to develop your consciousness towards yourself. If you have desire to accomplish something in your life but fear and doubt comes on the way, you must understand that some wrong conditioning has happened in your mind towards your goal. Therefore, before moving ahead with your efforts you must try to come out of that wrong conditioning and reprogram your mind with realisation of your actual potential and strong belief system.
The real thrill is not in doing something that you find easy but in doing something that seems difficult. It does not take more time to follow a bigger dream than a smaller one. Therefore you should never hesitate on creating a dream as big as you can.
 Goal setting is very crucial in human life. Without a clear goal life is worthless. We are different from other animals because we can dream and we can follow our dreams. But these dreams are meaningless till the time they becomes objectives of our life. As former President of India Shri Abul Kalam says ," dream is not one that you see while sleeping but that you see when you are awake and that does not allow you to sleep ."   This kind of dream only can become goal. However in relation to your goal you must ask to yourself following questions seriously and contemplate on them.
What do you want? When do you want it? Why do you want it? And how will get it?
It is a very crucial to be very specific about what do you want. For example when you make a choice for a career you need be very specific what you want to be. If you want to be a civil servant, must be specific about what service like IAS, IFS or IPS you want to be in. Your mind will work better and your energy will be more channelized when you are specific about your goal.
This clarity of choice must be supported by time line. Thus when do you want to be an IAS needs a specification of time, for example in year 2013 or 2014/2015/2916. You cannot get result from you till the time you become specific about a deadline. These above two questions - What and When must be supported by clear answer for Why. The answer for Why will give you strong motivation and enthusiasm for your efforts. This makes you clear about choice of goal and keeps you connected with the tastes and glories of your goal. For example if someone motivates you to climb mountain for 5 km  without giving answer for Why , you will not be able to go even for a few meters. On the other hand if you have a reasons, tastes and attractions connected to your mountain climbing you will forget all difficulties on the way and reach the top of target mountain height with all enthusiasm and spirit. 
Then finally comes the question How? This is the technique of achieving your goal that you may call Art of success. This is where you have to assess your existing potential and upgrade it to the desired level. You have to sharpen your skills in order to match with the expectations of your goal.
The Writer of the article is Mr. A.K Mishra Director of Chanakya IAS Academy

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Bird like toes may be a symptom of an underlying disorder

Dr. Pradeep Moonot

Dr Pradeep Moonot, Orthopaedic Surgeon & Podiatrist, Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai.

Ananya, with the increasing age, noticed her toes bending like an inverted V. She thought it to be normal with age as there was no pain. Though it was very difficult to walk and she felt very uncomfortable. She made a visit to Dr Pradeep Moonot’s clinic to verify if something was serious. After conducting several tests, the doctor told that she is suffering from claw toe which is a result of rheumatoid arthritis and corns were observed in the toe. With passing time, corns eventually lose their ability to protect the toe and breakdown, forming skin ulcers. This may lead to infection. The corns that became too large were shaved off and exercises were provided to her in addition to specially designed shoes to relieve the pressure.
What is a Claw toe?
Claw foot is a condition in which your toes bend into a claw-like position. Claw foot can appear from birth, or your feet can become bent later on. It’s usually not a serious problem on its own, but it can be uncomfortable. It can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as cerebral palsy or diabetes. Some contracted toes are due to muscle weakness, arthritis or congenital problems but most are due to tight shoes.
Claw toes are classified based on the mobility of the toe joints. There are two types - flexible and rigid. In a flexible claw toe, the joint has the ability to move. This type of claw toe can be straightened manually. A rigid claw toe does not have that same ability to move. Movement is very limited and can be extremely painful. This sometimes causes foot movement to become restricted leading to extra stress at the ball-of-the-foot, and possibly causing pain and the development of corns and calluses.
A corn is the thickened skin that forms where the shoe rubs on the toe. A hard corn forms where the skin is dry and a soft corn forms when it is moist, as between the toes. Beneath every corn there is a prominence of the bone. Pressure and friction from the shoe causes the skin to thicken at this point. Corns in the foot are like calluses in the hand – the skin thickens to resist pressure or friction.
Unrelieved pressure on the toes can cause complications. With time, a flexible toe deformity becomes a stiff claw toe, which is more difficult to treat. The second toe may cross over the first and eventually dislocation may occur at the base of the second toe. Corns may eventually lose their ability to protect the toe and breakdown, forming skin ulcers. This may lead to infection.
Statistics in India
Prevalence of claw toes deformity gradually increases with advancing age and upto 20% of the Indians are affected. This is observed most often in patients in their 7th or 8th decade of life. Shoes with high heels and narrow pointed toe boxes bunch up the toes, causing contracted joints and pressure areas in the skin. According to Indian Statistical survey women in India are affected four to five times more than men. And no such data is available regarding these deformities in non-shoe-wearing populations.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of the leading causes for claw toe in India especially in women. Many people with RA develop bunions, calluses, or claw toes. The sheer number of problems from the ankle to the toes causes pain throughout the foot. Over time, a person with RA may be inclined to avoid standing or walking.
Identifying claw toes
If you observe your toe joints adjoining the ankle point up while the other joints bend down, which makes your toes look like claws.
In some cases, claw foot doesn’t cause any pain. In other cases, your toes might hurt, and you might develop corns or calluses or ulcers on parts that rub against your shoes.
Claw toes are sometimes mistakenly referred to as “hammer toes,” but they’re not the same thing. While the two conditions share many similarities, they’re caused by different muscles in your foot.

What leads the toes to become claws
There may be several reasons and conditions to develop claw foot. Ankle surgery or injuries may be one of the reasons. Nerve damage weakens the foot muscles and leads to imbalances that force the toes to bend awkwardly. Inflammation can also cause your toes to bend into a claw-like position. Few disorders may also result in claw toes:-
  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis – the lining of the joints become inflamed as this autoimmune disorder causes the immune system to attack the healthy tissues in the joints leading to joint deformities like claw toes.
  2. Cerebral Palsy – This may be a congenital condition, due to abnormal brain development the muscle tone gets affected resulting in either too loose or stiff muscles.
  3. Diabetes – Diabetes can cause nerve damage in the feet which may lead to such deformities.
  4. Stroke - This condition occurs when blood stops flowing to an area of your brain due to a blood clot or weak blood vessels. Strokes can cause serious nerve damage and affect your muscles, including muscles in your feet.
Consult a Doctor if..
Immediately consult a Knee, foot and ankle specialist if your toes show signs of becoming clawed. It may be flexible at first but can permanently become struck in a claw like position over time. Early diagnosis and treatment may prevent serious complications and improve your quality of life. Doctor will also ensure other underlying disorders such as diabetes and RA.
Is Surgery the only way to treat?
A combination of medical intervention, physiotherapy and home care can be recommended to treat claw toes, depending upon the severity and rigidity of the deformity.
If the toes are flexible, they are more vulnerable to certain home care exercises to maintain the flexibility and alleviate the symptoms. The exercises may include moving toes towards their natural position using hands or picking up objects with the help of toes.
Specially designed shoes can also ease off the pressure while avoiding others as tight shoes or high heels will only make the toes more rigid. Wearing shoes with plenty of room can help alleviate discomfort. The design will be in such a manner that the toe can be accommodated in the extra depth area, and a special pad to help ease off the pressure from the ball of the foot.
Surgery is opted only in rare cases, when this deformity is unnoticed and in extreme condition with rigid toes. The bone at the base of the toe is shortened, so that more room is available to straighten out. After surgery, the toes may take upto six to eight months to heal.

ब्रिटानिया के सहयोग से 3 एच् केयर ने स्वास्थ्य शिविर आयोजित किया

नई दिल्ली : अग्रणी ऑनलाइन हेल्थकेयर पोर्टल  ने ब्रिटेनिया के साथ मिलकर हाजीपुर और उसके आसपास में वंचित लोगों के लिए एक निःषुल्क स्वास्थ्य जांच शिविर का आयोजन किया।

इस अवसर पर निवारक स्वास्थ्य जांच के महत्व के बारे में जानकारी देने के लिए सभी आयु वर्ग के लोगों के लिए एक बुनियादी स्वास्थ्य जांच आयोजित की गई।  की संस्थापक और सीईओ सीए (डॉ.) रुचि गुप्ता ने कहा, “समय- समय पर स्वास्थ्य की जांच और स्क्रीनिंग से आप अधिक लंबा और स्वस्थ जीवन जी सकते हैं। जल्द स्क्रीनिंग से स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का जल्द पता लगाने में मदद मिलती है और इससे सफल उपचार और रिकवरी की संभावना भी बढ़ जाती है। पिछले तीन दशकों में संक्रमण और संक्रमण रहित बीमारियों के पैटर्न में तेजी से बदलाव आया है। कुछ समय पहले तक मलेरिया, डेंगू, पीलिया, स्मॉल पॉक्स और पानी से होने वाली अन्य बीमारियां अधिक होती थी लेकिन अब जीवनषैली से जुड़ी बीमारियां और संक्रमण रहित बीमारियों ने इन्हें पीछे छोड़ दिया है।“
यहां मौजूद लोगों को समय पर जांच और इलाज कराने के महत्व और स्वस्थ जीवन को बनाए रखने में इनकी भूमिका के बारे में जानकारी दी गई। ऐसे प्रयासों से लोगों में, मध्यम आयु वर्ग के लोगों के लिए निवारक स्वास्थ्य जांच के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ती है।
इस तरह के निवारक स्वास्थ्य जांच के महत्व के बारे में लोगों के बीच अधिक से अधिक जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए, हम पहले से ही काफी प्रयास कर रहे हैं। हमारी स्थापना के बाद से हमने वंचित लोगों के लिए ऐसे कई शिविर आयोजित किए हैं, और हजारों लोगों को स्वस्थ जीवन जीने के लिए समय पर जांच और इलाज के महत्व के बारे में जानकारी दी है। हम भारत को स्वस्थ देष बनने के लिए एक कदम आगे बढ़ाने के लिए देष भर में इसी तरह का अभियान चलाना चाहते हैं।

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Opportunities At Overseas Education

Mr.Reeturaj Goswami, Product Head, 
PRATHAM International Education Desk
Education is an important part of any individual’s life span. It not only helps to kick-start a flourishing career but also widens the horizon to give a positive outlook to one’s personality. Students today are readily opting for higher education in a foreign destination. However, the plethora of options and too many choices make this dream a challenge for many to achieve. The Universities abroad offer a variety of degree courses at Under Graduate Level, but a student aiming for international education should consider many factors while choosing the university. These factors include languages known, budget, aptitude, suitable country and future plans. Many students become a victim of incomplete research and end up getting an admission in a university of less credibility.
Options and opportunities for overseas education have increased by leaps and bounds over the last decade. State-of-the-art infrastructure, good exposure and world recognition of the degrees earned by these foreign universities give a flying start to the career of any student. Indian students who are used to a passive learning style get to experience a more engaging and active learning style when studying abroad. Active learning through various factors like class participation, exchange of dialogues, case studies and practical off and on-campus experience through live projects make learning fun and more meaningful.
Another reason for the increasing popularity of overseas education is scholarships. Students who really want to study abroad in a renowned college don’t need to get disheartened or upset, if there is a financial constraint. Many scholarships are available for higher education across the globe. Studying abroad not only includes fees but also buying extra books, lodging, healthcare and many other expenses which are a part of living in a foreign country. All these expenses are not affordable for every family even if the student is brilliant. Scholarships play a major role in accomplishing goals and are like a blessing in disguise to fulfill dreams of many students. Scholarships have made life easier of many students aspiring to go abroad for higher education.
Another prominent reason for choosing universities internationally is exposure. It provides a holistic environment which helps a student to learn and grows in his/her area of specialization. Interaction with the faculty provides a global perspective on any issue. They get to examine very closely global issues and ways to tackle on a wider podium. International education has gained immense popularity among Indians because of quality of education. The rank of top Indian universities in comparison to average international universities is low. Students feel to go outside India to get education from the pioneers and also the practical implementation of the same.  Universities all over the world have seen a constant rise in the number of Indian students enrolling for a degree away from their home country. The main reason behind their choice is the fact that the Indian job market recognizes a degree from an international university more than any degree from an Indian university.

Some of the major destinations for international education are:
1.      Canada
2.      Germany
3.      Australia
4.      United States
5.      New Zealand
According to a recent survey, around 14% of all the students in Canada are Indian students. Many immigration policies have been changed to bring many benefits to Indian students making Canada one of the most favorable destinations to study abroad. Some of the advantages for Indian students are that Canada is an English speaking country. High Quality of life and cosmopolitan environment are another factors making Canada a most sought after destination to study abroad. Some of the top-ranking universities in Canada are: York University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, University McGill and University of Waterloo to name a few.
Germany is another favorite destination to study abroad. Indian students find Germany convenient as most of the courses have there tuition fees waived off. Universities in Germany offer many scholarships and provide an extensive focus on research to the students. It will help provide an advantage of getting in advance level research to everyone. Some of the top rank universities are Justus Liebig University Giessen, Karl Sruhe Institute of Technology, University of Bonn, RWTH Aachen University and University of Mannheim.
One of the reasons why many Indian students select Australia is the fact that the visa application process for many Asian students has become more relaxed in terms of financial requirements. Australia is a multicultural and friendly environment. International students in Australia can work up to 20 hours a week and after graduation, they can also benefit from a post-study work visa. Additionally, the Australian government has initiated a Professional Year Program dedicated to all graduates of accounting, information technology and engineering programmes, allowing them to work in a local company.
United States has always been a most sought after destination for foreign education. Some of the top Universities are Georgia Institute of Technology, MIT, University of Caltech, Washington State University, Northeastern University, Michigan State University and Texas A&M University and University of Colorado Denver.
If you aim to study in New Zealand than think no longer and take that giant leap in your career graph. New Zealand attracts students as it provides easy entry procedures. It is a great destination with affordable costs. An emphasis on research and practical exposure makes it dear to all the students. University of Auckland, University of Otago, University of Canterbury and University of Wellington are few of the top universities.

The Writer is Mr.Reeturaj Goswami, Product Head, PRATHAM International Education Desk.

New Discovery - Alendronate In The Treatment Of Avascular Necrosis Of Bone

- Dr. Sanjay agarwala, Chief of Surgery, Head of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, P.D. Hinduja National Hospital,Mumbai.

In a ground breaking discovery Dr. Sanjay Agarwala & Dr. V.R. Joshi along with their teams have established new hope for painful joints stricken by Avascular Necrosis.
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of bone is a painful, progressively disabling disorder. The hip (femoral head) is the most common site. Untreated, it progresses to frank hip arthritisneeding surgical intervention (surface replacement arthroplasty or total hip replacement).
Till date both medical (total bed rest and supportive measures) and surgical treatment like core decompression carried no more than 50% success rate.
Our group has been using Alendronate, a Bisphosphonate, to treat AVN of the hip for the last five years with great success. Alendronate is most commonly used to treat osteoporosis. It prevents bone resorption. An initial report appeared as a letter in the Journal of Association of Physicians of India (Vo. 49, Dec'01 issue) and was awarded the Patel-Mehta Prize. Then we reported our experience of treating over 70 cases of AVN observed over 3-5 years. Most were referred for surgical treatment. In 80% of these surgical intervention was avoided. The relief from past was seen within a few weeks. Most become freely ambulant. We are now in the process of publishing our 8 year long term results which show sustained benefit with alendronate.  Today it is not possible to say how long the benefit will persist, nor how long the Bisphosphonates should be taken. Presently, patients are advised to take the drug for three years.
Those that needed surgery had advanced disease with hip joint damage already set in. In advanced stages of AVN there is resultant osteoarthritis of the joint. This requires the management of the joint arthritis and may need hip replacement or surface replacement as surgical remedies.
Concurrent animal experiments done elsewhere, independent of our studies have also confirmed the scientific efficacy of this study, and are quoted in the original paperspublished in scientific journals.

The tablet is to be taken on an empty stomach with one, preferably two glasses of water only (tea, coffee or juice WILL NOT do) and dissolves to become acidic.
While the stomach lining can withstand this acidity, bending forwards, or lying down, brings the acid to the mouth and food-pipe (esophagus). Hence, after taking the tablet please do not bend forward or lie down for a period of half an hour.
Likewise eating or drinking for up to half an hour will change the acidity of the stomach and prevent the activity of the tablet. Hence, do not take anything to eat or drink for up to half an hour. Therefore, I recommend you take it before you brush your teeth in the morning and continue with the rest of your daily morning rituals like bathing / shaving etc.
Alendronate is available as
Osteophos from M/s. Cipla Limited or
Restophos from M/s. Sun Pharmaceuticals in 10 mg everyday dose and 70 mg weekly dose.
In our experience once a week drug preparations are not as efficacious in the treatment of this disease and the daily regimen is recommended. In India the cost of this treatment works out to approx. Rs. 150/- a month and considering that it prevents a 1 lakh rupee operation this is a panacea in the management of these cases.

India needs more awareness to prevent mortality through breast cancer


The grades and stages of breast cancer in Indian patients are higher as compared to other countries. Even among the literate population who resort to curative rates and opt for alternative treatment options. Many misconceptions and lack of awareness regarding chemotherapy or mastectomy surgeries keep them away from getting treatment on time and they opt for alternative medicines.
“In India, 1 in 25 people are diagnosed with breast cancer annually which as compared to developed countries like US/ UK is less where 1 in 8 patients are diagnosed annually. However due to the fact that awareness among the developed countries being quite prominent, such high number of cases are diagnosed and treated in early stages and hence the survival rates are better. When considered the Indian scenario, the survival rates are quite low due to high population ratio and low awareness. One out of two diagnosed die within next five years which attributes to 50% mortality rates. Many patients in the urban are diagnosed at stage two when the T2 lesions are palpable lumps, but in cases of rural areas, these lesions are diagnosed only after they transform to metastatic tumors”.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among patients suffering from cancer worldwide. According to the recent data given by Globacan 2017, breast cancer among Indian women is the highest worldwide. There is an increase in the trend of new cancer patients, and the age group of new patients coming annually have gradually dropped from <55 years to under 40 years of age. As per the data recorded in ICMR 2017, over 1.5 lakh new breast cancer patients have been recorded in India last year.
Initially such treatments are luring for the patients but as the stages grow and are beyond their control, patients opt for allopathic treatment. Such conditions prevent them from getting timely treatment.
Globally, 7% of the population under the age of 40 years is suffering from breast cancer, whereas in India, the rate is double i.e. 15%. And out of which 1% of the patients are male, which put together has the highest count of breast cancer patients from India globally. Apart from being hereditary, many other risk factors like sedentary lifestyle, bingeing on alcohol, smoking, increasing obesity among youngsters, stress and poor dietary intake have been attributed to increase in the incidences of breast cancer among the young Indian women. According to a study conducted by NCBI 2016, vegetarian women are 40% less vulnerable to breast cancer.
Over the last decade, even though there is a rise in incidence of breast cancer, but with awareness, access and changing paradigms in cancer care, the mortality rate has come down gradually.
“Awareness should be created among masses to get most breast cancers detectable at early stages, as most women with breast cancer arrive after metastasis (when the tumor has spread to other body parts).  In metastatic or advanced stages of cancer, it isn’t completely curable and the treatment aims to achieve remission (where the tumor shrinks or disappears).” Said Dr. P N Uppal, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, Saroj Super Specilaity Hospital

Monday, October 22, 2018

India tops list of Breast cancer patients

New Delhi, Oct 18 :Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among patients suffering from cancer globally, while Indian women are the highest sufferers of the lethal disease worldwide, a recent data says.
''India needs more awareness to prevent mortality through breast cancer,'' says Dr S VedaPadma Priya, Senior Consultant - Breast Oncology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh.
According to the recent data given by Globacan 2017, breast cancer among Indian women is the highest worldwide. There is an increase in the trend of new cancer patients, and the age group of new patients coming annually have gradually dropped from 55 years to under 40 years of age. As per the data recorded in ICMR 2017, over 1.5 lakh new breast cancer patients have been recorded in India last year.

In India, one in twenty five people are diagnosed with breast cancer annual
ly which as compared to developed countries like US/ UK is less where 1 in 8 patients are diagnosed annually. 

However, due to the fact that awareness among the developed countries being quite prominent, such high number of cases are diagnosed and treated in early stages and hence the survival rates are better. 

The doctor said globally, 7 per cent of the population under the age of 40 years is suffering from breast cancer, whereas in India, the rate is double that is 15 per cent. And out of which 1 per cent of the patients are male, which put together has the highest count of breast cancer patients from India globally. Apart from being hereditary, many other risk factors like sedentary lifestyle, bingeing on alcohol, smoking, increasing obesity among youngsters, stress and poor dietary intake have been attributed to increase in the incidences of breast cancer among the young Indian women.
Awareness should be created among masses to get most breast cancers detectable at early stages, as most women with breast cancer arrive after metastasis (when the tumor has spread to other body parts). In metastatic or advanced stages of cancer, it isn’t completely curable and the treatment aims to achieve remission (where the tumor shrinks or disappears), the doctor added. in association with Britannia organised health camps

New Delhi: Leading online healthcare portal in association with Britannia organised a free health check up camp for the under privileged people in and around New Delhi.

A basic health check up was conducted for the people of all age groups to provide an insight of the importance of preventive health checkups.

“Periodic health check-ups and screenings are keys to maximise your chance of living a longer and healthier life. The early screening helps to discover health problems early and also increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery. Since the past three decades the pattern of disease is under a major shift from communicable to non-communicable diseases. Earlier when majority of cases were attributed to malaria, dengue, jaundice, small pox and other water borne diseases, have been overtaken by lifestyle related ailments and non-communicable diseases.” Says CA (Dr) Ruchi Gupta, Founder and CEO,

The residents were also educated about the importance of timely intervention and how important role it plays in maintaining a healthy living. Such paradigm shift makes preventive health checkups, mandatory especially for the middle aged people.

To generate more and more awareness among the masses about the importance of such preventive health checkups, we have been already putting in a lot of efforts. Since our inception we have organised many such camps for the underprivileged, and educated thousands of people about its importance for a healthy living. We still aim to render similar campaigns PAN India campaign to make India a step closer to a healthy nation.